28th Year
Ontario High School and Wayne Central Alumni Association Event
This year our meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20, 2008, at the Lodge at Casey Park; 6551 Knickerbocker Rd., Ontario. Join us for an evening of memories starting at 2pm. We’ll enjoy a pot luck meal to keep expenses down. Please bring a dish to share, and your own table setting. Drinks will be provided. As always (since 1917), the “brown derby” will go to the graduating class with the most attendees, so contact old classmates & encourage them to help you take the derby home! Feel free to pass on this information to other graduates who may not yet be on our mailing list. The more, the merrier!
Questions or concerns may be directed to: Chris Wacenske Bray (‘72) 315-524-8829
or Shirley Boris (‘50) 315-483-4728 or via e-mail – using “Alumni Association” in the subject area to: Collinsgrama@rochester.rr.com or Sjb4728@rochester.rr.com
All the info and reservation form can be found here.
Looking forward to seeing you all!!!
Patty 😉