28th Year 

Facebook and MySpace

With the advent of new social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, it makes websites like waynealumni.org slightly less relevant. Though I have added some features to like photo uploads and contacting classmates without disclosing email addresses…

With the advent of new social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, it makes websites like waynealumni.org slightly less relevant. Though I have added some features to like photo uploads and contacting classmates without disclosing email addresses, with a part-time unpaid staff of one, and frankly, doesn’t know much about programming, has a hard time keeping up with the features that a site backed by venture capitalists, advertising revenue, and zillions of programmers. It is not a surprise that more recent graduates have a large presence on Facebook and MySpace, and less so here. Overall, they still have less Wayne Central users than we do, but the tide is turning. Hey, even I have a Facebook page.

So what does this mean for this site? Probably not much for now. I may be more inclined to concentrate on things that would be of interest to Wayne Alumni other than “social networking” features. That would be more alumni news, yearbook photos, etc.

I have however, included a place on the Registration form to allow users to indicate whether they have a Facebook or MySpace listing. There is a column in the Alumni Directory that will indicate a Facebook listing with this icon Facebook and a MySpace listing with MySpace. They are linked to those sites, but you will have to search for the user. It’s too complicated to create a link to individuals (at least for now).

Existing users can indicate their own Facebook or MySpace presence by Updating your listing.