Youth2Trades Scholarships

What is Youth2Trades- Limited (aka Y2T)?

Y2T is a new federal tax exempt non-profit organization established in 2024 dedicated to enabling more of our high school graduates to join the ranks of tradespeople, broadly defined as non-college skilled professions and also called blue collar workers. Truckers, plumbers, hairdressers, military enlistees are examples who typically need tools, apprenticeships and/or certifications to provide vital services

Why was Y2T started?

As the 50th reunion of the Class of 1974 approached, thoughts stirred on how to give back in a tangible way. It is clear to most that shortages exist in the job market in regard to the trades. Scholarships offerings invariably relate to college bound students. Similarly, military recruitment is weak. Both the trades and military service are honorable career tracks which don’t always get proper attention. Y2T is a team effort to balance such discrepancies.

Who operates the Y2T non-profit?

Y2T is controlled by a Board of Directors initially consisting of five volunteers who are members of the 1974 class of Wayne Central School, namely Dr. Philip Hyland, Chair, Glen Cone, Treasurer, Dave Powell, Secretary, Mike Frederes, and Pam Pendelton. Reinhold Wirth is honorary advisor.

Who funds Y2T?

As a public charity, donations are anticipated from community members, local businesses, and even national firms as appropriate. Initial operations are supported with a first round of donations already in hand. As a signature project of the Class of 1974, we hope to combine talents, information leads, funds and skills from across the class and its contacts. That describes just the core concept and the general intent to to broadened funding sources and awardees over time.

What is the approach for awarding Y2T scholarships?

The basic idea for Y2T scholarships is to offer two $1000 scholarships per year based on merit and need. In addition, a $500 military enlistment grant may be awarded. Awards are expected to be in the form of vouchers to pay approved apprenticeships, trade schools, required tools and such. The specific application forms and deadlines are in development, expected to be finalized by 1 December 2024. Applications are expected to be open 1 January 2025 through 1 April 2025 with final awards announced no later than 1 May 2025 and presented at graduation. Subsequent years should follow similar dates. Alternatively, the Y2T board may determine awards to school programs that directly support the mission. In kind donations of tools or tuition waivers may also permit direct grants to deserving trainees.

How Can I Participate?

Glad you asked. The best outcome of the Y2T vision is a vibrant team of volunteers to solicit funding, review potential awardees, and get the word out. Additional board members will be needed as well as advisors and mentors. Contact any board member below:

Philip C. Hyland, 681-481-2042, pchyland(at), 6419 16th ST NW, Washington DC 20012
Glen L. Cone, 585-727-7806, glcone11(at), 1680 Ridge Road, Ontario, NY 14519
Mike Frederes, 315-524-1414, mndkfrederes(at), 1855 Plank Rd, Walworth, NY 14568
Pam Pendleton, 315-524-8346, ppendleton(at), 6449 Furnace Rd, Ontario, NY 14519
David Powell, 315-524-8971, dpowell596(at), 6251 Furnace Rd, PO Box 511, Ontario, NY

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