28th Year
Welcome to the Wayne Central Alumni Website, which was started in November 1997. The purpose of this Web Site is to provide an on-line gathering point for alumni to find information of interest. There are also quite a few photos that have been scanned from yearbooks posted in various pages here. Hopefully you’ll find it enjoyable.
This website represents no official organization. For the most part, it has been created by Class of 1974 Alumni, Brian Donovan.
Use of Photos
Feel free to use photos on this website, but please attribute them to waynealumni.org.
Logging In
At the moment, once you have registered, you should only need to log in if you want to leave a comment or change your information.
Submitting Photos/Information
For most information, use the contact menu item near the top of the page. If you would like to submit something which requires an attachment, use the contact form to contact me initially and I will send an email/address.
If you would like to submit a group of photos, say from a reunion, probably best to use DropBox (www.dropbox.com). It is easy to set up and use. Again, contact me first via the contact form, and we’ll figure it out.
If a CD or DVD is the only thing that works for you, contact me and we’ll make those arrangements.
We can always use yearbook photos. Especially 1977-2000, and 2008-2022. If no scanner, a smart phone can work. Try to keep pages flat, minimize glare and ensure good focus. Google has an app that can be very helpful named “PhotoScan”. I know it is available for Android, not sure about IOS. There could be a similar app for Apple devices.
Current Website Sponsors
Thank you to the following alumni who have donated to help keep this site online for another 3 years:
- Kathy Doyle Hearn
- Fred Miller
- Charlotte P Siebert
- Diana Mattuzzi
- Tara Herbster
- Patty Jones Oughterson
- Celia Skorinko Weir
- Bruce A. MacMillan
- Cheryl Bamford Conte
- Kathleen Hecht Langdon
- Eileen Legler
Previous Website Sponsors 2016-2022
- Greg Kline
- Kathleen Hecht Langdon
- Karen Southworth
- Mark and Caryn Devlin
- David Wilson Sr.
- Carla Tarana Boerman
- Gary Foos
- Cheryl Bamford Conte
- Diana Mattuzzi
- Kathy Doyle Hearn
- Gary Matteson
- Cynthia Cooke
Website Content Contributors
These alumni contributed yearbooks, photos, scrapbooks, etc
Bob Beach
Bernie Porray
Darlene Robinson
Gary Juda
Christine Wacenske – Bray
Heather and Ed Zonneville
Deb Drexler
Jim DeRidder
Linda Bell
Alicia Battaglia Woods
Kara Remington
Patrick and Debbie Hosier
Mike McCartan
Billy Mitchell
Tiffany Marvin Cotsonas
Paul Backus
Lisa Twitchell
Cynthia Kolacki
Diana Mattuzzi
Patty Jones
LuAnn Wilkinson
Janice Turcotte Ridgeway
Rosemary Brown Barnhart
Priscilla Beaujon
Donna Hall
And I probably have forgotten a few. After 25 years its hard to keep track. Thanks to all who sent me info.