28th Year 

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2009 Eagle

The 2009 Eagle is out and here is a scan of the cover. I bet those rocks look familiar to many of you. Thanks to Cynthia Kolacki from the Wayne Staff.

Need More User Photo Uploads

Well its been a few months since the user photo upload feature was added, and though there have been a number of people who have taken advantage of it, it has been at a fairly low rate. Yes, you can only upload one-at-a-time presently, so this wouldn'…

Class of 1974 Reunion Update

The Class of 74 is looking for help locating these classmates: Sue Forman Deborah Marshall (Berg) Lauretta Hutchins (Piccone) Diane Bileck (Frechecte) Jacqueline Collins Wayne Marsden Steve Palmer Jim Steamer James Thornton…

Class of 1964 Reunion Update

We will have a get together July 31st at Carol and Dick Bebernitz home. On Saturday August 1st will be a picnic at Kanatota B Lodge in Webster Park starting at 2pm. And working on something for Sunday August 2nd. So save the date and more info will be…

Class of 1969 Reunion Update

Still looking for the following classmates: David Reynolds Kathy Hargarther Shirley Brown Diana Roberts Ray Kennedy Christine Roome Paul Sutton Please contact Mindy Pellegrino via the Alumni Directory if you can help locating these classmat…

Class of 1980 – 30 Year Reunion

Yes! The Class of 1980 will have a 30th Reunion in 2010!. What can you do now? REUNION SURVEY: Take this short survey to tell us your preferences and if / how you would like to help with our 30th Reunion! Click here. CLASS DIRECTORY: Add or updat…