28th Year 

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Class of 89 Reunion

The Class of 1989 is currently planning their 20 year class reunion for the summer of 2009. If you have not been contacted by someone from the planning committee, please email CLASSOF1989WCHS@ROCHESTER.RR.COM with your mailing address and email address,…

Website Notes

Just a couple items about the website: The problem with the symbol showing up everywhere or else not at all has been fixed. New listings in the last two weeks or so have the new symbol and all future new listings will and then be displayed for 3…

Class of 1968 40th Reunion Photos

Here is a link to Photos from the Class of 1968 40th Reunion. It was held at the High School cafeteria and it includes some photos taken during a tour inside of the school. Take a look at the pictures and you may notice Mr. Powell, Mr. Cataldo, and M…

Class of 1979 30 Year Reunion

The Class of 1979 has set a date for their 30th Reunion. The date will be November 28, 2009. More information to follow. Until then, anyone who wants more information can email Debbie Lynch at dreynol1@rochester.rr.com or contact Theresa Congelosi at…

Echo 1978

Here is a PDF of the 1978 Echo. Again, click on the color one for higher quality, slower download time, or the black and white one for lower quality but faster download time.

You Say It’s Your Birthday

OK, this would have been cooler if it was done a long time ago when most people registered, but better late than never. When you register, or update your listing, there is a place to enter you birthday. Just the month and day (no, not the year. Most o…

Removing an Uploaded Photo

If you decide that you want to delete a photo you have uploaded, that can now be accomplished. You must be logged in, then access your photos in your listing like you would normally to view them. It is pretty straightforward from there. I will update…

Recent Alumni Photos

Since the Photo Upload feature was added a few weeks back, several people have taken advantage of the feature. As it was, you could only get to the photos by browsing the Alumni Directory and finding a listing with the camera icon. That isn't too con…