28th Year 

Category Uncategorized

Traditions Lost – The Eagle

Traditions are nice, maybe not always essential, to be maintained. It is also nice to evolve. Sometimes they just fade away. By virtue of working on this website, I have had an opportunity to see most of Wayne Central’s Yearbooks…

More Updates

To take advantage of a more recent WordPress feature and a new plug-in, most photo pages are now a gallery type page, such that when you click on a thumbnail image, the “full” size image displays, along with navigation arrows…

Some More Updates

Here is the brief story – The old (circa 2016) Alumni Directory has been partially restored. It is just a list of all who were registered on the site by mid-2016. No contact links, no photos, but if there was…

Website Updates Feb. 1

No job and cold weather means website gets attention. In addition to new yearbook covers in the last post, some pages that were part of the old website (pre-2017) have been restored. The Yearbook Dedications, Ontario High School, Wayne Middle…

1950 Yearbook Cover

Finally managed to get a 1950 Wayne Eagle yearbook cover image. Not that I had to look far, but it is nice to always have a camera in your pocket. By the way, this was the very first Wayne Eagle…