28th Year 

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Wayne Boys Soccer in Sectional Finals

The Wayne Boys soccer team defeated Pittsford-Mendon 4-3, on penalty kicks to adavance to the Class A2 finals. #2 seed Wayne will face #1 seed Pitssford-Sutherland for the Class A2 Championship at 5PM Friday Nov 1 at Hilton High School.As…

Wayne Soccer History Update

For those interested, Wayne Soccer History has been updated. New look, it should work halfway decent on mobile devices. Also added Hall of Fame pages. New information and content for Boys and Girls 1973. More to come as time and…

2019 Wayne Soccer Hall of Fame

Hello Fellow Wayne Central Alumni, It is with great honor that the Wayne Soccer Alumni Association announces our 2019 Hall of Fame induction class. Please congratulate the following Soccer Alumni: Margaret (Herzog) Bockus Bill Drexler Russ Hanks Don Johnson Karen…


FAREWELL, FRANKIE By Daniel May, Class of ‘76 As a lifelong sports fan who graduated from Wayne Central High School in 1976, I grew to maturity freshly familiar with a quote famously (if erroneously) attributed to Vince Lombardi— “Winning isn’t…

Class of 1969 50 Year Reunion

Class of 1969 50 year Reunion!!!! Friday- September 13 – Ontario American Legion -Casual get together -pm  Saturday- September 14 – breakfast at Konstantino’s and tour of high school -morning Saturday- September 14 – Ontario Country Club dinner and fun-…