28th Year
Directory FAQ
How do I get my name added to the directory?
Click on the Register link on the main menu. Fill out the form and click submit. Look for an activation email.
I am in the directory but I need to update my listing. How do I do that?
- If you still are using the email and password you registered with, you can try clicking on the Login link on the Alumni Directory menu.
- If you remember your email, but not your password, you can click the Forgot Password link on the Login form.
- If you registered way way back before logins were instituted, just re-register by clicking the Register link on the main menu.
- All else fails, just re-register. There is a checkbox on the registration form you can select if you have an old listing that needs to be deleted.
Why do I need a login?
To ensure only you can edit your info and to generally try to keep spam and other malicious types at bay.
How do I add my photo?
There are multiple ways to get there. One easy way is after you are registered and activated, Login, then click on the space where the profile photo is (or should be). This will take you to your profile that you can edit.
Another way is to login, then go to the alumni directory and find your listing in your class.. Click on your name and your information will come up. Click on the gear icon to the right of your name. Then select Edit Profile. Then click on the camera icon.
I logged in and I have some weird user name I don’t remember creating. What is that all about?
The new registration system requires a user name. We did not have user names in the old system, so when the old users were imported into the new system, a user name was automatically created. This shouldn’t be an issue as the username it not seen normally. It can’t be edited, so the way around it is to re-register.
Why do you need my email and what do you do with it?
It is where the activation email is sent and a way for the site admin to contact you if needed. Your email is not displayed on the site nor is it given out to anyone else.
Why can’t I contact other people in the directory like we used to be able to?
It was the original intent of this site to put people in contact, but the internet has changed a lot since 1997. That feature was not being used much by 2015, and with privacy concerns, it was felt that other forms of social media were better suited for that purpose.
I went to Wayne for a time but did not graduate from there. Can I still be in the directory?
Yes, just pick the graduation year of the class you were a part of.
Why did the name format of alumnae with married names change?
Originally sorting alphabetically by name used in school made sense, but it seemed to confuse some people and it goes against the typical way of handling last names. So it was decided to go with the standard Firstname (Maiden Name) Lastname format when the database was updated.