28th Year 


Wayne Girls Volleyball Advance

The Wayne Girls volleyball team won their state regional playoffs and advanced to the NYSPHSAA tournament taking place this weekend. Best of luck ladies!

Wayne Girls Volleyball

The Wayne Girls volleyball team is playing in the class B sectional finals on Friday vs Waterloo (at Victor). Good luck ladies!

Wayne Boys Soccer State Ranked

As the regular season is winding down, the 2022 Wayne Boys soccer team is currently 14 – 0 – 0 and ranked #4 in Class A in New York State. They have outscored their opponents 56 – 2.

1967 Underclassmen Photos Added

A new photo gallery has been created with Underclassmen photos from the 1967 Wayne Eagle. They are not the best quality, as they were taken with a cell phone camera at the library, but better than nothing. A few probably need to be re-done..

They can be found here or from the menus at Photos/Yearbooks > Yearbook Photos > 1960s.