28th Year 


Thanks to Website Supporters

Thank you to the following alumni who have donated to help keep this site online for another 3 years:

  • Kathy Doyle Hearn
  • Fred Miller
  • Charlotte P Siebert
  • Diana Mattuzzi
  • Tara Herbster
  • Patty Jones Oughterson
  • Celia Skorinko Weir
  • Bruce A. MacMillan
  • Cheryl Bamford Conte
  • Kathy Hecht Langdon
  • Eileen Legler

Website GoFundMe

Goal reached in 2 hours! Thanks. No further donations needed until 2025.

The post below is just for posterity:

Hi Folks,

It’s been three years and time to renew the hosting for the Wayne Alumni website, now in its 25th year. This website includes the main alumni website, Wayne Central Soccer HIstory, and Wayne Central Basketball History websites. It is $9.99 / month for 36 months, for which I am billed $359.64 and paid upfront (to get the discount). I’m looking to offset some of the cost.

Yes, it can be had cheaper initially, which we did the first three years, but it would require moving the website, which is a huge amount of effort.

I also cover the cost of the domain name separately.

Much work has been done in the last year to restore past content and add new. The Wayne Basketball History site was completely reworked and redesigned.

So I am looking to raise $250 from alumni to help support the website. Smaller donations are preferred.

Thanks to all who have supported this site for the last six years. They are named on the About page on the website.

-Brian Donovan ’74

Sad Ontario History

This is not directly Wayne Central Alumni related. I recently came across this news from 1949. Though I have essentially lived in Ontario all of my life, I had never heard about this before. This happened in 1949, about a week after my brother Tom was born, and 7 years before I was born.

Another part of this sad story is that I knew Bernard and Louise Murphy quite well as they were friends of my parents. It must have been a difficult memory for them as well.

This isn’t the type of history we want to hear about. Fortunately, homicides are rare in Ontario. But next time I visit my parents graves in Calvary Cemetery, I will find Anna’s grave and leave a flower.

It’s been many years and no one knows exactly what transpired, and never will. Seems like today with improved trauma care she may have survived. Sad all the way around.

2022 Staff Retirees – Congratulations

  • Michele Farley
  • Wendy Herrick
  • Elizabeth Peters
  • Jean Stein
  • Sandy Weis
  • Patty Marshall
  • Chris Black
  • Bill Jordan
  • Ernie Fink
  • Nancy Frederes
  • Deb Pecoraro
  • Katie Scott
  • Wendy Kerr-Vine
  • Anne Bulman
  • Bernie Schuster
  • JR Sharkey
  • Dawn Wooster
  • Dolores Fox
  • Kathy LaManna
  • Barrie Krochmalech
  • Vita Barci
  • Cathy Rich
  • Wendy Freida
  • Kathy Parks
  • Amy Voorhees

Traditions Gained

Some traditions are lost, other new ones are started. I like this one. (From Wayne Central Facebook page)

Class of 2022

Class of 1972 50th Class Reunion

October 21 & 22, 2022

Casual Social Gathering
Friday Oct 21 7:00 10:00 PM
2030 Rt 104 Ontario

Celebration Dinner
Saturday Oct 22 6:00 – 10:00 PM
Young Summer Winery
4287 Jersey Rd Williamson NY

Tour the High school
Saturday Oct 22
1:00 PM

Need Yearbook Covers from 2011, 2015, and 2017

There are only 3 yearbook covers not shown on our Yearbook Covers page. They are not in the school library or Ontario Library. If anyone could snap a photo of any of these yearbooks, it would be welcomed. Using a cell phone can be sufficient, try to ensure good lighting and get all the edges in the frame.

Using the Google PhotoScan app would be preferred. It is available in the Google Play store or Apple App Store for free. It is easy to use.

Send any photos to briand”at”waynealumni.org – Thanks!

25th Year of Wayne Alumni

Still hard for me to believe, but this website has been up in one form or another since 1997, making this the 25th year. Retirement has given me the ability to focus attention on this again. Much of the pre-2016 website has been restored, Registration has been re-enabled, the alumni directory is back, yearbook picture of the week is more consistent, and some broken features have been fixed.

Wayne Basketball History has been updated, and Wayne Soccer History has also been updated.

I get some occasional feedback and comments, and hopefully people still get some benefit from it being available. In a couple of months, it will be time for renewal of the web hosting, and hopefully I can get a handful of people to contribute to keeping the site available. Stay tuned for announcements about this in the future.

It seems like many people access the Wayne Alumni Facebook page to keep up-to-date. Just FYI, all posts on the website are not posted on the Wayne Alumni Facebook page. Facebook won’t allow me to automatically update the page when I post on waynealumni.org, so I have to manually do it. I try to minimize the Facebook clutter, since for most people it is become a vast wasteland. So visit waynealmni.org directly to see all the latest.

Things I hope to do in the future:

  • Get access to more yearbooks
  • Scan more yearbooks
  • Enlist people to contribute content to the site
  • Get more participation form the 2000s classes
  • Develop a succession plan

There are probably more, but I will post updates as required.