28th Year 


Pep Band

When I was in middle school, I started attending high school basketball games. This was probably 1968-70. The “old gym” was the only gym back then, and it probably didn’t hold a huge number of people. But entertainment choices were more limited then, and the stands were usually pretty well packed, even when the team’s record was not that great.

I’m just guessing, but at least 50% of the crowd were students. There also was a concept in those days called cheerleaders. Before it was turned into a sport, cheerleaders actually attended all the games and tried to keep the crowd enthused. Nothing against it being a sport, but seems odd that the original intention was lost completely.

Anyway, in addition to the cheerleaders, at least in 1968-70 (or thereabouts), there was this thing called a pep band. If you’ve ever been to a Syracuse University basketball game at the dome, and it’s not winter break (Dec 20 – Jan 20), you may have seen the student band playing in the student section. It was kind of like that, but only 15 people. And they somehow squeezed between the two sections of bleachers behind the scoring table.

At that time, I was probably playing in the middle school band as a percussionist, so I always watched them with interest. But I always remembered how loud they were, with no amplification. I don’t know all the songs they played, but think of a college football game. That kind of music. One song I do remember was “Oh Wisconsin”. It was just a great atmosphere that the band contributed to.

1970 Pep Band
1970 Pep Band
Gerald McClure - Conductor
Gerald McClure – Conductor

Maybe my ears were untrained, but I thought they were very good.

Unfortunately, I don’t think it last much beyond 1970. It was probably difficult to get all 15 players to attend every home game. Maybe you could do without one now and again, but it must have been hard. Then to have one of the music teachers also commit as well. So it didn’t last. But even if Wayne didn’t win, you knew that band was good!

Traditions Lost – The Eagle

Traditions are nice, maybe not always essential, to be maintained. It is also nice to evolve. Sometimes they just fade away. By virtue of working on this website, I have had an opportunity to see most of Wayne Central’s Yearbooks (72 so far). I have around 26 myself. We have a page on the website of all (except a couple) of the yearbook covers. The Wayne Central yearbook has a title “The Eagle”. The early ones, it was prominently displayed on the cover. After about 5 years, for unknown reasons, it was shortened to “Eagle”. Sometimes, the name did not appear on the cover, other times an Eagle was depicted on the cover.

In the 50s and 60s, often the yearbook had a visual theme, with artwork, graphics, font. Starting in the late 80’s, themes were appearing again, but now with the theme given a name, like “Climbing Life’s Ladders” or “On the Move”. Which is OK, but now often replacing “The Eagle” or “Eagle” on the cover. Some still depicted an Eagle on the cover, some not. Themes seem predominate in the 1990s for many years after. In 2018, 2019, 2020, they just say “Wayne Eagles” on the cover (very nice appearing covers), which is not the name of the yearbook, it is the name of our sports teams.

I’m sure the student yearbook staff putting yearbooks together is a lot of thankless work, doing something they never have done before. I would hope a yearbook advisor would be aware of what the yearbook name is supposed to be.

I like the themes and some are very clever. It seems like it would be easy to include “The Eagle” or “Eagle” on the cover and still have a theme. Just a suggestion.

Alumni Directory Restored

For those who are interested –

Over the last few weeks, effort has been put into creating and restoring the Alumni Directory. Initially, the archived version from 2016 was made available. Then a new user registration system was added. Finally, the two were merged together after some considerable effort.

One significant change was to go to a standard First Name, (Maiden Name), Last Name format for Alumnae who have taken their spouses last name. The directory is sorted by last name now.

Another was to remove the ability to contact classmates via this site. It was never used much, and there are always privacy concerns. This is one (of many) reasons the directory was not continued after 2016. But there were many people who asked why it wasn’t and could we get it back.

Since the directory has been around for 25 years, there are obviously out-of-date listings. There is some clean-up that can be done, like removing duplicates, etc., but people may want to update their listing. The main issue with merging the old and new directories is the logins, user name, email, and passwords. The new system being used now takes user names. User names were generated automatically during the merge, and likely no one will like them. Luckily, the system also allows logins by email address. There is uncertainty about passwords. In the old directory, probably 50% of the listings were before there was any login system. So those users had no password. Again, those users have had an automatically generated password in the new system to satisfy the requirements of merging.

What does all this mean? If you still have access to the email you originally used prior to 2016 on this site and the password, theoretically you should be able to login. If you just have the email (and you still use it), but don’t remember your password, you should be able to click on the Forgot Password link on the login screen. Theoretically, because it has not been tested.

Or you could just re-register. There will be regular scans looking for duplicates, and older listings will be deleted.

Users who never had a login will have to register here (see main menu). If you don’t care, nothing needs to be done.

There will be an FAQ put together to make some of this info easily available if users want edit or replace their listings.

Registration for Alumni Directory Available Again

Some effort has been made to re-enable a registration system again for the website, and also create an alumni directory display similar to what we had previously. An improved registration form has been created to help with this, as the one tried a few years ago was lacking.

Unfortunately, for the 50 or so people who registered a few years ago, you probably received an email (I did) saying your account was deleted. It was necessary as we had to change the database. You will need to re-register if you want to be in the directory.

Hopefully methods to help avoid spam will work. If not, there might be additional steps that can be taken.

Alum News – Wayne County Treasurer

In the better late than never category, Patrick Schmitt, Class of 2002, was elected Wayne County Treasurer in 2018 and still currently serves in that position. Congratulations.

Problems with Contact Form

Apologies to all who tried to contact me via the Contact menu. Though at one time I would get an email with the information, apparently it stopped working at some point. The good news is, all was not lost, I have found where a copy of all attempts to contact me are stored. So I am working on addressing all that I can. Unfortunately, anything that was time sensitive is now irrelevant, like reunions.

Anything else, I will address ASAP. I have already added some In Memory requests and I will continue until I am caught up.

Using this off the shelf system has many advantages, but many disadvantages as well. Now that I know that the email notification isn’t working, I will just need to manually check or find other alternatives.

So the Contact and Submit Reunion menu items are working such that they can still be used, I’ll just need to adjust on my end. The Submit Photos does not seem to working, so I will disable for now.

More Updates

  • To take advantage of a more recent WordPress feature and a new plug-in, most photo pages are now a gallery type page, such that when you click on a thumbnail image, the “full” size image displays, along with navigation arrows for forwards and backwards. This avoids having to keep going back to the thumbnail page to select another image. So underclassmen photos, reunion photos, etc. should now work better.
  • Some of the photos have been replaced with larger sizes (if available).
  • Restored additional 70s Random photos that disappeared a few years ago.

1975 Underclassmen Photos Added

These had existed in the complete 1975 Wayne Eagle PDF, but the quality was not as good. I went through the original scans and improved brightness, contrast, and graininess. Most now are actually better than the actual yearbook pics.

Sorry I couldn’t include the names. Some were off to the side, or too close to the binding such that they were cutoff. Maybe one day I can add them.

See them here.