28th Year 


2017 Wayne Soccer Alumni Hall of Fame Inductees

(October 19, 2017) – Five years ago the Wayne Soccer Alumni started a hall of fame to capture the storied history of our soccer program which has included a combined 11 sectional championships and over 35 league titles between the boys and girls programs. This year six new members were inducted into the hall of fame. The inductees are: Mike Corney, Roger Hansen, Bob Hollis, Christine Ingham (Barnsdale), Lisa Lombino and Lonnie Schilstra.

Mike Corney played for Wayne from 1976-1978. He was a captain and a 3-year all-county midfielder. After high school, he was a 4-year starter for Lock Haven, where they won the 1980 Division 2 National Championship. After college, Mike played professionally and represented the US in China in 1987. Currently, Mike is a coach for the US Soccer Academy Classics in Pennsylvania and has retired after being a teacher for 30 years.

Roger Hansen played for Wayne from 1969 until 1971 and was on two sectional title winning teams in 1969 and 1970. Roger’s involvement in soccer spans over 50 years as a player, coach, team administrator and referee. Roger has played in over 600 games and officiated over 900. He currently is still involved in soccer as a referee for both college and high school.

Bob Hollis was a three year starter for Wayne and was on three league and sectional winning teams and was captain his senior season. Bob was a midfielder that controlled the field while scoring goals and getting assists. Bob was not only an offensive threat, but was a fierce defender as well, as he was part of one of strongest defending teams in Wayne history.

Christine Ingham (Barnsdale) was the captain of the 1991 sectional title winning team. Her senior season Christine was 1st team all-league, senior MVP and exceptional senior nominee and a 6th team all-state selection. In addition to winning the sectional title, the girl’s team was also league champions in her senior season. After high school, Christine was recruited to play at Fredonia State University where she was a 4-year starter.

Lisa Lombino was a teammate of fellow Hall of Fame inductee Christine Ingham (Barnsdale) and was part of the 1991 Sectional and league winning teams. On top of being an all-league selection and team MVP, Lisa was also selected 1st team All Greater Rochester. Her senior season Lisa scored 9 goals for the Section V Class B winning team. After high school, Lisa went on to play 3 years for Buffalo State University.

Lonnie Schilstra was a graduate of the class of 1964. His senior season Lonnie was the captain of the Section V championship team. Lonnie not only excelled on the soccer field, he was also on the basketball and baseball teams. While in high school, Lonnie also was very involved in the music program, participating in Senior Band, Pep Band, and all state band. Following his playing days at Wayne, he went on to play soccer for Ithaca College where he was a starter. Lonnie went on to teach for 33 years in Penfield Schools.

Yearbook Picture of the Week

I had the pleasure of hanging out with a few of the old folks from the Class of 1973 a couple weeks ago, and Pat Runne was telling a story of an interesting event he was involved in many years ago.  He mentioned several names of people he was with, and I recognized all of the names. Then he said John Benefield, and I thought to myself, wait I know that name.  It is a name I probably haven’t heard of thought of in over 40 years and I couldn’t remember who it was.  Not wanting to interrupt Pat during his story, I tried to remember for a couple minutes but then gave up.

Next day, I was doing something and all of a sudden John Benefield’s face popped into my head.  Not sure why I didn’t remember the night before, but probably just because it had been so long.  He was maybe two years ahead of me, and I think I can recall him from back in elementary school, as he threw a dodge ball like Nolan Ryan.

Anyway, this was the only picture I could find of him in any high school yearbook I have.  Wonder where he is today.

From 1972 Wayne Eagle Page 150
From 1972 Wayne Eagle Page 150

Looking For Alumni to Post Site Content

Sorry for the lack of new posts the last few months, just been awfully busy. I’m still looking for people who might want to create and add content occasionally for this site. It is quite simple using the system we have in place. I would just have to provide logins and probably point you to a short video on how to use it (if you’d even need it).

This is the type of content that would be nice to have people contribute:

  • Alumni News – can be just about anything of interest to all or some sub-group of alumni
  • Photos – same thing, yearbooks, reunions, old photos, etc
  • School History – if anyone would like to author some articles about school history that could appear sporadically, that would be nice
  • Sports – occasional reports on current school teams
  • What’s New at the Schools – how things have changed

If anyone is interested, you can contact me (minus spaces) at: b d o n o v a 1 (at) r o c h e s t e r . r r . c o m

Original Eagles to play the Not So Original Eagles

The real Wayne Eagles (since 1950) play the Irondequoit Eagles (since a few years ago, how original – and Class A1 Champs) Wednesday March 8 at 8:15 PM at Victor High School.  The winner will represent Section V Class A in the NYS Tournament.

I guess it’s OK to use the same nickname if it’s more than 5 miles away.

Wayne Boys Win Class A2 Section V Championship!!!!

Though Ontario High School won a couple championships prior to the formation of the Wayne Central School District in 1950, the boys basketball program has never been able to win a Section V Championship, UNTIL NOW!

Wayne Boys defeated Wilson -Magnet School 50-43 at Fairport High School today to bring home a Section V trophy.

Wayne Players on All-Tournament Team:

  • Logan Blankenburg
  • Billy Thomson
  • Braeden Zenelovic – Tournament MVP


2017 Section V Class A2 Champs
2017 Section V Class A2 Champs

Wayne Boys Basketball in Section V Semi-Finals

Wayne Boys defeated Pittsford-Sutherland 46-43 Saturday night and will play Monroe in the Section V Class A2 Semifinals Tuesday.

According to the Section V website, the game is at 8:15PM at Rush-Henrietta High School.  Best to check official sources for date/time if you are thinking about attending.

Wayne’s record is 18 – 3.

Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School – Fall 1967

Wayne Middle School
Wayne Middle School

That’s what it was originally called.  Seems like it was mostly called Wayne Middle School when my kids went there.  Maybe one day we’ll have a post about who Thomas C. Armstrong was.  But this post is about the building and opening of the Middle School.  I have a unique perspective as I was part of the Wayne Class of 1974.

Probably sometime in 1965 or 1966, the decision was made to build a middle school.  Grades 7-12 were at the James A. Beneway High School, and 4-6  at Ontario Elementary and Walworth Elementary.  Space was an issue, and the decision was made to have grades 6-8 at the middle school (Walworth and Ontario).  Freewill School was not yet built.

It must have been planned that the middle school would open in the Fall of 1967, because as it happened, the incoming 6th grade class (of 1974) had no where to go.  The middle school was not yet completed.  There was not enough room in the existing schools.  So in September 1967, the incoming sixth grade arrived to an unfinished school.  The 7th and 8th grades stayed in the high school for the time being.

They readied enough classrooms on the first floor to handle the 6th grade students.  There were no blackboards, no lockers.  Walls were not painted.  The heat probably didn’t work, but it was September.  The cafeteria, gym, music room and library were not finished or usable.  Seems like we were outside a lot that fall.

So we had to bring our lunch.  Gym was outside if the weather was good.  If not, we usually ended up doing calisthenics in the classroom.  We were on the first floor, and not allowed to go to the second floor.

That year, 6th grade still was one teacher for all (most) subjects.  We didn’t have periods and change classes.  I should remember the teachers that year – Mr. Taylor, Mr. Kiersbilck, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Howland, Mr. MacDonald.  I’m drawing a blank on the rest.  Who did I miss?

As the fall went on, gradually progress was being made towards completion.  At some point we moved to the second floor, as that is where the 6th grade classes were to be located.  I think we started to eat in the cafeteria, though no food was available.  Blackboards were installed and walls were being painted.  The gym was not done.  I remember the floor being installed, and that the finish was to be applied during Christmas vacation.

After January 1, 1968, everything changed.  It was completed to the point where 7th and 8th grade classes were moved to the middle school.  We no longer has it to ourselves.  We were now the lowest class on the totem pole.  The entertainment at lunchtime improved though, as we could watch the 8th grade boys try to stick forks into the cafeteria ceiling.  Of course many more changes have taken place there over the years, but it was interesting to be there at the beginning.

From 1985-2001, I lived right down the road from the middle school and drove by it daily.  During one summer, I noticed that the school was undergoing some sort of renovation, but all the entrances had enclosures around them.  Many (or all?) windows were covered, and some had large hoses attached.  Asbestos.  In 1967, apparently asbestos was not yet known as hazardous.  In the 1990’s they spent a lot of money removing it.  Once the school was completed, I’m sure the asbestos levels were minimal, assuming it wasn’t disturbed.  But in the fall of 1967 when it was under construction, who knows how much asbestos was in the air.  Certainly the workers had the most risk.  Hopefully no long term effects for my classmates.

But it was a long time ago.  Maybe some of my classmates can add parts I left out.

By the way, still looking for people who might be willing to contribute stories, maybe similar this one, about Wayne Central History, or Alumni News, etc.  Now with the login system, it is easy to assign permissions.  It is also very easy to add content here.  Contact me with ideas.

New Alumni Directory Established

Website Updates

For many various good reasons, we are starting over with the alumni directory.  Here is how to add yourself:

  • New Alumni Directory Available (now called Class Directory)
  • As of Dec. 20, 2016 11PM, there are only two names in it.
  • If you register on this site, you will be added
  • Click the Register Link on Upper right sidebar (next to Log in button).
  • Fill out form (some fields required, some not)
  • Submit and wait for activation email.
  • Activation Email will have [waynealumni.org] in subject and be from Brian Donovan (as of now)
  • Click on link in activation email.
  • To see your listing, go to Home page and Log in.
  • Go to the Class Directory area on Right Hand Sidebar.
  • Select your class and click Search.
  • View your class listings.
  • Click on your Username to Edit/Change Password/Add Photo/etc

9th Annual Wayne Basketball Alumni Game

Hoping everyone can make it out again for the 9th annual Wayne Basketball Alumni Game, which is set for Saturday, January 7, 2017,@ 11:00 am at the High School. Games and teams will be set up similar to last year so there will be time to rest and socialize in between games.

A $10 Donation will go to the Connor Burns Ideal Teammate Scholarship, established to honor the memory of Connor, who passed away in 2009. This donation will also help fund the Kyle Stewart memorial scholarship as well. Kyle passed away in 2014.

The hope is that many will join together to honor and remember both of these fine young men. Money will be collected that day.

Please respond as soon as possible to let John know if you will be there.
Text John Cotsonas at 585-737-fivethreezerofour.

This is helpful so he can have a general idea of teams before game day! Also, PLEASE pass this info along to any other basketball alumni- there are many others out there who may want to play or just come and visit with old friends!