28th Year
28th Year

New Yearbook Picture
New Yearbook Picture
Website Will Be Offline Tonight
New Yearbook Picture
New Yearbook Picture
Class of 1967 – Does He Look Familiar?
Check out this link – start with the video near the bottom of the page. Then in the naviagtion links on the left, check out the one that ends in “Blogg”.
Another Picture . . .
New Yearbook Picture
Class of 1961 – 50 Year Reunion
50 Year Reunion
Friday August 12, 2011
Cocktails @ 6PM Dinner @ 7PM
Shadow Lake Country Club
1850 Five Mile Line Rd Penfield, NY
$44 per person
Saturday August 13, 2011
Tour High School Building 10 AM
Catered Picnic at The Lodge Ginegaw Park, Walworth 2PM (LorraineDrive off Walworth-Penfield Road- East of Route 350)
$16 per person
Contact: Peggy Beach-McLaughlin 229 Dickinson Rd Webster, NY 14580
Alumni News and Info Back – Kind of
I successfully upgraded the software that creates the Alumni News and Info, though not without some pain. The upgrade required me to need to re-do a large number of customizations, and some need to be recreated following some new, not well documented methods.
The short story is the Alumni News section looks OK, but if one tries to Comment, look at the permalinks (each post on its own page), or archives, the normal site design doesn’t appear. There also could be a few other problems I haven’t found yet. Most likely, I’m the only one who is bothered by this, but FYI.
I will be working on fixing the problems as I can, and some occasional interruptions in the site could occur.