28th Year 


Wayne Boys Basketball Schedule

By Request – Wayne Boys Basketball Schedule

Game 	Date 	       H/A 	Opponent 	Neutral Site 	JV.Time 	Var.Time
1 	12/7/10 	H 	Geneva  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM 		
2 	12/10/10 	A 	Waterloo  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
3 	12/14/10 	H 	Newark  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
4 	12/17/10 	A 	Marcus Whitman  		6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
5 	12/28/10 	H 	Brighton  	Penfield Tourney1:00PM  	6:15PM 		
6 	12/30/10 	H 	Tournament-Penfield 		TBA 	TBA 	TBA 		
7 	1/4/11  	A 	Mynderse  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
8 	1/7/11  	H 	Midlakes  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
9 	1/11/11 	A 	Palmyra-Macedon  		6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
10 	1/14/11 	H 	Penn Yan  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM	
11 	1/18/11 	A 	Geneva  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
12 	1/20/11 	H 	Waterloo  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
13 	1/28/11 	A 	Newark  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
14 	2/1/11  	H 	Marcus Whitman  		6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
15 	2/8/11 	        H 	Mynderse  		        6:00PM   	7:30PM		
16 	2/11/11 	A 	Midlakes  		        6:00PM 	        7:30PM		
17 	2/15/11 	H 	Palmyra-Macedon  		6:00PM   	7:30PM		
18 	2/17/11 	A 	Penn Yan  		        6:00PM  	7:30PM

Boys Cross Country 2010 Champions

Congratulations to the Wayne Central Boys Cross Country team for winning the Section V Class B Sectional Championship! Wayne placed 5 runners in the top 10, including Colin Kerr who finished in first place with a 26 second margin.

They also won the Wayne-Finger Lakes League Championship for 2010.

The Wayne Girls Cross Country team also had an excellent season, and finished in 2nd place in both the Sectionals team standings and in the Wayne-Finger Lakes League Championship.