28th Year 


Class of 1979 Reunion Update


Class of 1979 30th Class Reunion – November 28, 2009 at Diplomat Party
House, 1 Diplomat Way, Rochester, NY 14606

Cost: $50/person

Make Check or Money Order Payable to: Class of 1979

Mail Money, Response and Request for Updated Information to: P.O. Box
204, Ontario Center, NY 14520

Response and Request for Updated Information and Photos due by: October
1, 2009
Continue reading “Class of 1979 Reunion Update”

User Submitted Photo Albums


If you have visited the new Photo Albums page, you may have wondered if there was a convenient way to get some of your photos easily uploaded. Now there is. OK, maybe fairly convenient. If you go to this page and follow the directions given, you should be able to upload multiple photos at one time. Logging in is a requirement, otherwise bad people will do bad things. The log in will appear automatically if you are not logged in, and will bring you right to the page once logged in.

This isn’t used for your Bio, though it might be one day. To upload photos to your Bio, continue to use the Upload Photo to Your Bio link.

This new feature is for uploading a group of pictures that will reside in a photo album. This would be a photo album that would appeal to a number of Wayne Alumni. Maybe photos from a Class Reunion, or from the back in school days, etc.

A key element of this capability is naming the Photo Album such that the description will impart enough information that a user can decide to view it. Class year is a good identifier. Or an event name. The only other criteria is that it be a unique name. Right now, this is not checked, so it would be good to add something to the Album Name if it might be a name someone else might choose. Maybe add your initials. Maximum of 100 photos per upload. If you have more, make more than 1 album.

Also on that page, I have instructions on how to resize photos to speed up upload time and viewing time. This is very quick and easy on Windows with a small utility from Microsoft.

You can also access the page using the Upload Photos to an Album link in the Site Menu.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Cancelled – Class of 1977 Birthday Party

Dear Classmate of 1977

Due to lack of responses to a summer get together for our 50th birthday party, I have canceled the festivities.
Please keep your email address active and correct for future happenings. I am sorry for this inconvenience and appreciate the support over the years.


2009 Eagle


The 2009 Eagle is out and here is a scan of the cover.

2009 Eagle Cover

I bet those rocks look familiar to many of you.

Thanks to Cynthia Kolacki from the Wayne Staff.

Need More User Photo Uploads

Well its been a few months since the user photo upload feature was added, and though there have been a number of people who have taken advantage of it, it has been at a fairly low rate.

Yes, you can only upload one-at-a-time presently, so this wouldn’t be ideal for a storage area for all your photos, but there is no problem if people upload a couple handfuls of photos.

Yes, you must login first (otherwise bad things will happen), but it is good incentive to finally update your email and get a password if you never have had one.

So I have 11 up there. Who will be the first to surpass me?

Class of 1974 Reunion Update

The Class of 74 is looking for help locating these classmates:

  • Sue Forman
  • Deborah Marshall (Berg)
  • Lauretta Hutchins (Piccone)
  • Diane Bileck (Frechecte)
  • Jacqueline Collins
  • Wayne Marsden
  • Steve Palmer
  • Jim Steamer
  • James Thornton
  • Kathy Cole

Contact me if you can help with any of these missing classmates (see below).

Also, were having a bonfire on Friday night August 7th. We’d like to invite anyone from the era to attend (71-77). There will be a minimal charge for refreshments (soft) and snacks. BYOB if inclined and a designated driver.

Email me if you are interested at bdonova1@rochester.rr.com.

We’d also like to invite any friends from the Classes of 1973 and 1975 to our reunion dinner on Aug. 8th. The more the merrier. Contact bdonova1@rochester.rr.com for info.

Class of 1964 Reunion Update


We will have a get together July 31st at Carol and Dick Bebernitz home. On Saturday August 1st will be a picnic at Kanatota B Lodge in Webster Park starting at 2pm. And working on something for Sunday August 2nd. So save the date and more info will be on the way soon.

Class of 1969 Reunion Update


Still looking for the following classmates:

  • David Reynolds
  • Kathy Hargarther
  • Shirley Brown
  • Diana Roberts
  • Ray Kennedy
  • Christine Roome
  • Paul Sutton

Please contact Mindy Pellegrino via the Alumni Directory if you can help locating these classmates.

Wayne Wrestling Team Achievements 2009


Just catching up on some of Wayne Wrestling:

Section V Individual Champions

  • Al Dierna 96lbs
  • Bobby Dierna 112lbs
  • Vinny DiGravio 130lbs
  • Chris Marvin 160lbs

State Champion

  • Vinny DiGravio 130lbs

D&C All-Greater Rochester Team
Large School Wrestler of the Year

  • Vinny DiGravio

First Team

  • Alec Dierna 96lbs
  • Bobby Dierna 112lbs
  • Vinny DiGravio 130lbs