28th Year 


Class of 1980 – 30 Year Reunion

Yes! The Class of 1980 will have a 30th Reunion in 2010!.
What can you do now?

  • REUNION SURVEY: Take this short survey to tell us your preferences and if / how you would like to help with our 30th Reunion! Click here.
  • CLASS DIRECTORY: Add or update your entry in the Class of 1980 Directory on this website.
  • Tell others in our class to complete the Reunion Survey and sign-on to the Alumni Directory!

Thanks and stay tuned for more information!

It Was 40 Years Ago Today


This may be interesting to some people, so I’d thought I would highlight it here. My brother Alan has been writing a Blog about the year 1969, and I just found it last night. It combines news and events of the year with some personal recollections. I’m especially looking forward to what he might say about Woodstock, as I’ve really never heard much about his experience there.

I would be happy to highlight and link to others who might be writing a Blog. Just send me an email with the info.

Missing Images

For the past couple of weeks, some people may have been unable to see any images on the website. More likely if you were visiting the website for the first time. Unfortunately, I could not see the problem myself or recreate it, so it was not a easy thing to understand. Anyway, I believe I have determined the cause, and I think I fixed it. So if anyone has trouble seeing images and photos on this site, let me know.

Note to 1987 Alum With Email ben@#####.com

Note to the alum from 1987 who tried to register with the email ben@xxxxx.com, that email got bounced back from the domain saying it was a suspended account or something similar. In order to be activated I need a good email address. You can contact me directly with a better email, and I will make the changes and activate your listing.

Using Photos from this Site

I certainly don’t mind if people save photos from this website for whatever reason, just that if you re-post them somewhere else on the web, please give credit to waynealumni.org as the source of the photos, and provide a link if possible.

Better Linking to Your Facebook Profile

Edited 2/4/2009 at 6:45 PM

For you Facebook users, I have improved the feature for linking to your Facebook public profile. It isn’t too difficult, but then again, it seems like nothing is ever easy.

It involves three steps:

  1. Ensuring you have allowed Facebook to display a public profile.
  2. Finding out your Public Profile Facebook Name and ID
  3. Updating your Alumni Directory listing to include those two values.

A public profile is different from allowing any Facebook user (non-friend) to see your full profile. It is a setting that allows search engines to find and provide a link to a stripped down version of your profile. It has your name, profile photo, and a list of some of your friends (likely only visible if they have also this setting enabled).

To find out your Public Profile Facebook Name and ID, read this This will explain how to find the info and what you should copy.

To update your listing, click on the Login/Update Listing menu item. You will need to add your Facebook Name and Facebook ID. This ensures that the Facebook icon in your listing will link properly to your public Facebook profile.

Now I have tested this, and it seemed to be OK. But its late, and I may have messed up somewhere. If you have any trouble, let me know.

I have updated my listing if you want to see how it works. display the Class of 1974 in the Alumni Directory, and click on the Facebook Icon in the row for Brian Donovan.

Alumni Basketball Game Photo


Here is a photo of the Alumni Basketball participants. Click for bigger photo.
Wayne Alumni Basketball 2009

Here is my best guess at the names:
Front row: Curtis McNair ’92, Ryan VanHoover ’03, Jerry King ’03, Spencer Schmitt ’05, Ryan Stewart ’08, Josh Britt ’07, Sean Moran ’08, Paul Marvin ’99, Nikki Sanchez ’00
2nd Row: Melia Harris Zenkel ’96, Sean Gillow ’05, Jay Hannon ’03, Randy Schenk ’91, Chris Schneider ’08, Bob King ’00, Coach Bill Thomson
Row 3: Tony Stavalone ’08, Erika Schnepf ’07, Dan Uerz ’02, Brian Miller ’00, Dewey Marvin ’94, Sam Weech ’96, Bill Doyle ’83, Bill Lewis ’72
Row 4: Chad Osterhout ’07, Matt Luke ’07, Eric Alvito ’07, Brendan McCallum ’07, Tim McBride ’00, John Cotsonas ’91, Shelly Sanchez ’02, Bryan Taillie ’79, Tiffany (Marvin) Cotsonas ’97

Let me know if I missed someone or got a name wrong.

Class of 69 Reunion


The class of 1969’s 40th reunion will be held Saturday, August 8, 2009 at Burnhams Canalside Hotel( Quality Inn) in Newark, NY.

Cost will be $40 single $75 for two. Rooms are being held at a discount price of $85 per night till July. Phone the Quality Inn at 315-331-9500 for reservations, it’s still the only full service hotel in Wayne County!! Further details will be coming with hopes of Friday night activities too. questions contact Mindy Pellegrino or Carol Royall via the Alumni Directory.

Facebook and MySpace

With the advent of new social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, it makes websites like waynealumni.org slightly less relevant. Though I have added some features to like photo uploads and contacting classmates without disclosing email addresses, with a part-time unpaid staff of one, and frankly, doesn’t know much about programming, has a hard time keeping up with the features that a site backed by venture capitalists, advertising revenue, and zillions of programmers. It is not a surprise that more recent graduates have a large presence on Facebook and MySpace, and less so here. Overall, they still have less Wayne Central users than we do, but the tide is turning. Hey, even I have a Facebook page.

So what does this mean for this site? Probably not much for now. I may be more inclined to concentrate on things that would be of interest to Wayne Alumni other than “social networking” features. That would be more alumni news, yearbook photos, etc.

I have however, included a place on the Registration form to allow users to indicate whether they have a Facebook or MySpace listing. There is a column in the Alumni Directory that will indicate a Facebook listing with this icon Facebook and a MySpace listing with MySpace. They are linked to those sites, but you will have to search for the user. It’s too complicated to create a link to individuals (at least for now).

Existing users can indicate their own Facebook or MySpace presence by Updating your listing.