28th Year
Alumni Basketball Game
Hello everyone,
The Wayne Central Basketball Alumni game is set for January 3, 2009 @ 11:30 in the new gym at the high school. Games and teams will be set up similar to last year so there will be time to rest and socialize between games.
There is a $10 donation fee you can pay that day to the Basketball Booster Club and all participants will receive an Alumni Basketball shirt. This donation helps support and improve the girls and boys programs all year!
The pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30-11:00 that morning in the high school cafeteria, tickets are $7 if anyone is interested- please spread the word to family and friends.
Please respond as soon as possible to let us know if you will be joining us. This is helpful so we can have a general idea of teams before game day! Also, PLEASE pass this info along to any other basketball alumni- we have only sent this to people who gave us their email last year- we know there are many others out there who may want to play!
Thank you!
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.
John and Tiffany Cotsonas
call or email us with any questions