28th Year 


Alumni Basketball Game

Hello everyone,

The Wayne Central Basketball Alumni game is set for January 3, 2009 @ 11:30 in the new gym at the high school. Games and teams will be set up similar to last year so there will be time to rest and socialize between games.

There is a $10 donation fee you can pay that day to the Basketball Booster Club and all participants will receive an Alumni Basketball shirt. This donation helps support and improve the girls and boys programs all year!

The pancake breakfast will be held from 8:30-11:00 that morning in the high school cafeteria, tickets are $7 if anyone is interested- please spread the word to family and friends.

Please respond as soon as possible to let us know if you will be joining us. This is helpful so we can have a general idea of teams before game day! Also, PLEASE pass this info along to any other basketball alumni- we have only sent this to people who gave us their email last year- we know there are many others out there who may want to play!

Thank you!
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.

John and Tiffany Cotsonas
call or email us with any questions

Some Vintage Photos 74-76


Here are some photos from around 1974. Includes people from the Classes of 1974-76. Some were from the 74 Senior Trip, maybe 74 Junior Prom, and a birthday party. Thanks to Jackie Monahan who let me borrow the photos.

I especially like the fake alcohol gag gifts in a couple of the photos, because teenagers didn’t drink in the 70’s. And why wasn’t I invited? Never mind.

Class of 1999 Reunion?


Message from Derek Wright ’99 Class President:

Unfortunately I am far too busy to organize a ten year reunion. If anyone is else is interested in organizing, I would be very grateful. I have too much going on in the next two years and I would not be able to commit the time.
Derek Wright

Class of 89 Reunion


The Class of 1989 is currently planning their 20 year class reunion for the summer of 2009. If you have not been contacted by someone from the planning committee, please email CLASSOF1989WCHS@ROCHESTER.RR.COM with your mailing address and email address, if you have one, so that the committee can contact you with the reunion information! We look forward to hearing from you!

Giving Back Doesn’t Have To Cost You a Dime!


As part of our commitment to excellence in preparing our students for the future, Wayne Central now mandates each student to complete a 40 hour unpaid, career focused internship. This experience allows the students to become directly involved in the workplace setting, apply classroom skills in real world situations and gain a better idea of the type of career they may or may not want to pursue.

In order for this program to be successful we need your help! We are specifically looking for you as alumni, community members and professionals to become mentors for our students. This is your chance to give back to the community, the school and reacquaint yourself with the Wayne Central High School.

As a mentor for the Internship Program you would be required to:

  • Mentor your student at your workplace
  • Jointly establish goals and objectives for the internship
  • Share your expertise
  • Provide a safe working environment
  • Define areas of confidentiality with the intern
  • Complete an evaluation of the intern
  • Keep in contact with the school’s Internship Coordinators

For more information please browse our website at :

If you are interested in becoming a mentor please contact one of the Internship Coordinators; either Sarah Francis at (315) 524-1185 or sfrancis@wayne.k12.ny.us or Scott Bradley at (315) 524-1183 or sbradley@wayne.k12.ny.us.

Scott Bradley

Website Notes

Just a couple items about the website:

  • The problem with the new symbol showing up everywhere or else not at all has been fixed. New listings in the last two weeks or so have the new symbol and all future new listings will and then be displayed for 3 weeks.
  • Along with that improvement, updated listings will not be lumped together with new ones. Presently updated listings from today on will have a update symbol displayed for 3 weeks. I’m not listing these together anywhere presently, but may later.
  • A number of users have taken advantage of the Upload Photo feature, and from what I can tell, it appears to be working OK. Send me a message if you experience any difficulties with this feature.
  • Working on a new Message Board feature which I hope to have ready soon. Rather than try to integrate an existing system, which can have some drawbacks, this one will be a rather simple roll-our-own type. Though the message baords never really attracted much use, I thought that one more attempt would be worth it.

Echo 1978

Here is a PDF of the 1978 Echo. Again, click on the color one for higher quality, slower download time, or the black and white one for lower quality but faster download time.

1978 Echo Wayne Middle School1978 Echo Wayne Middle School (smaller file size)

You Say It’s Your Birthday

OK, this would have been cooler if it was done a long time ago when most people registered, but better late than never. When you register, or update your listing, there is a place to enter you birthday. Just the month and day (no, not the year. Most of us are trying to forget that at this point).

This is really just for fun. Anyone who has a birthday on any given day will be listed on the main Alumni Directory page. So if someone you know is having a birthday you could send them a birthday greeting. Or maybe someone you haven’t heard from in a while will send you one. But other than people I know pretty closely and anyone who registers from this week on, no one else has a birthday saved right now.

So if you have a password, go ahead and login and add your birthday. If you don’t have a password, try the FAQ page.

Once your birthday is on record, you won’t see the option to set it again which shouldn’t be a problem. If you were born on Feb. 29, all bets are off.

Removing an Uploaded Photo

If you decide that you want to delete a photo you have uploaded, that can now be accomplished. You must be logged in, then access your photos in your listing like you would normally to view them. It is pretty straightforward from there. I will update the FAQ section to hopefully be more informative on how to accomplish some of the tasks dealing with passwords, logging in, uploading photos, etc.