28th Year 


More on Photo Uploads

A Bio is no longer required to view photos. Photos are still visible with someones Bio if they have one, but if they don’t you can just click on the Camera icon (camera) in the Photo column of someones listing. If a camera icon is present, they have at least one photo uploaded. This includes all older photos that were emailed to me and added manually at an earlier date.

You’ll have to email me to have a photo deleted, but I hope to add this capability soon.

Updating Your Listing Now Easier

Updating your listing has been simplified. Now just click on Login/Update Listing. Login with your email and password. Your existing listing will display. Be sure to add password again at the top. Make changes and click Submit.

New Photo Upload Feature

We now have a method for registered users to upload photos and have them displayed along with their Bio’s. Here is the scoop:

  • You must be a registered user with a password.
  • Passwords were introduced on March 7, 2006. If you registered before then, you need to obtain a password. Go to the FAQ section for more info how to do this.
  • Click on Login/Update from the Top menu.
  • Once logged-in, you should see a new link in the Top menu to Add Photo(s). Click on that.
  • You will see a form to allow to browse to a photo stored on your computer. The title, description, and alt-text are optional, but obviously help classmates know what they are looking at, and help with searches.
  • Images must be .jpg, .png, or .gif format. Most digital cameras save as .jpg
  • There is a limit on how large a file can be uploaded. It’s around 1 or 2 MB, not sure off the top of my head. An error message should tell you if its too large.
  • If you know how, please resize you images before uploading. Modern digital cameras over a couple of megapixels are much larger than required for web viewing. They also take up space on the server. 600-800 pixels wide is fine for web viewing in most cases.
  • Uploaded pictures show up in your Bio. If you don’t have a Bio, please add one, even just a couple words, to be able to view pictures. This may be changed evntually, but it is how it is right now.
  • The little camera icon in the Alumni Directory still functions as it has, it will display a single photo that a user has previously sent. This may be changed in the future.

With any luck, this will work smoothly, but you never know. If there are any serious problems, I may have to disable the feature temporarily, but will get it restored ASAP.

To check out what this looks like, visit either Troy Aman’s 1980 Bio, or Brian Donovan 1974 Bio. You don’t need to be logged in to view photos.

That’s all I can think of right now. I will post more about this in the Site Weblog for anyone interested in the boring details.

I will also make this info a permanent page somewhere in the next few days. Maybe the FAQ page.

DJ Copp on ESPN


DJ Copp ’95 is getting good airtime on ESPNs NASCAR broadcasts now that they’ve revved up their coverage of all the races until the end of the season. I can’t say for sure when he is appearing, but he has been on several pre-race shows the last few weeks. He may be appearing on NASCAR Now which is on early evenings, not sure how often. I wasn’t able to find any clips of him on the ESPN Website however.

DJ is presently part of the pit crew for Petty Enterprises. I’ve seen him with Bobby Labonte’s car (#43) and Kyle Petty’s car (#45). He is a tire changer, one of the most demanding jobs in the pits.

The NASCAR bunch will be at Watkins Glen Aug 8-10, and I’m sure DJ will be there. I’ll be wandering around the garage area and pit road again this year so maybe I’ll get a chance to get another picture.

Catching Up

Been on vacation for last week and catching up on emails. I will try and reply to any by later tonite.

Jim Norris, I tried to reply to your message but the email address you included would not work.

Class of 1968 Reunion


The Class of 1968 is seeking class members and addresses to use in plans for our 40th reunion this fall. Contact Jim Switzer
or by phone at school at 315-524-1025 or at Nothnagle Ontario at 315-524-2331 ext 105.

More details will be coming soon.


Retiring teachers in 2008 – Nancy Domm 19 years, Pat Yates 34 years, Linda Casey 20 years, Kathy Emison 34 years.

Ontario High School and Wayne Central Alumni Association Event


This year our meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 20, 2008, at the Lodge at Casey Park; 6551 Knickerbocker Rd., Ontario. Join us for an evening of memories starting at 2pm. We’ll enjoy a pot luck meal to keep expenses down. Please bring a dish to share, and your own table setting. Drinks will be provided. As always (since 1917), the “brown derby” will go to the graduating class with the most attendees, so contact old classmates & encourage them to help you take the derby home! Feel free to pass on this information to other graduates who may not yet be on our mailing list. The more, the merrier!

Questions or concerns may be directed to: Chris Wacenske Bray (‘72) 315-524-8829
or Shirley Boris (‘50) 315-483-4728 or via e-mail – using “Alumni Association” in the subject area to: Collinsgrama@rochester.rr.com or Sjb4728@rochester.rr.com

All the info and reservation form can be found here.

Mid-60’s Wayne Basketball Reunion

From Bob Kelly:

The Wayne Central basketball team(s) from the mid 1960’s are planning a reunion this year. This will be the 45th anniversary of the beginning of the 1963-64 season. We are planning on meeting on Saturday, November 22nd, to honor Coaches Ed Joseph and Charles Sones.

If you would like more information, let me know and I will give you Bob’s contact information.