28th Year 


UPDATE: Big Text and IE / Website Status

The worst of the problem is fixed. It shouldn’t look like you are viewing the main page with a magnifying glass anymore, though that might be handy in a few years.

The next few days I will be checking for any more problems and making hopefully minor adjustments. Then on to some other lingering issues and more improvements.

Website Status

The website has been moved to another server and web hosting provider. It went smoother than anticipated, though some things are still not quite working properly.

There will likely be more than the usual amount of problems, broken links, etc until things are back to normal, which will hopefully be just a week or two.

Long Time Between Dates

Danny May ’76 and Andrea Whitcomb ’78 are pleased to announce their wedding plans after re-connecting on the Wayne Central Alumni Website. They will marry on September 13, 2008… 33 years to the day after their last date in high school! Danny and Andrea extend their deep gratitude to Brian Donovan for making this possible.

Should We Talk About the Weather?

If you’ve moved away from WNY and miss the snow and ice, you can now keep up to date with our weather. If you scroll to towards the bottom of this page, the last entry in the right hand sidebar lists some current weather readings from my backyard, which is pretty close to the NW corner of Ontario.

As I figure out how, it may be enhanced slightly. For more detail than you could ever probably want, click on Ontario Weather.

I hope Mr. DeRose is impressed. That year of Earth Science wasn’t a total waste.

DJ Copp ’95

DJ Copp is apparently working on Bobby Labonte’s pit crew in 2008. Watch for him during the Daytona 500 changing rear tires on Richard Petty’s #43 team. Not sure if he is contributing to ESPN’s NASCAR Now show this year.

More Bars in More Places

Registrations by Decade

This fine piece of work shows how many registrations we have by decade and is now displayed on the main Alumni Directory page. But I thought it might be worthwhile to add it here. Though the data may not be particularly interesting, it is updated every time the page is loaded. The image is actually being created in real-time. Yes, I’m easily amused and frankly, surprised I was able to figure out how to do it.

Save Your Favorite Class

A month or so ago, the capability to display a single class was added to the Alumni Directory, but it was somewhat hindered by annoying messages when using the back button afterwards. The solution to that issue has also now enabled the ability to save a single class display as a bookmark or favorite, including a logical name.

Just select your class from the pull-down list in the Alumni Directory, click submit, then save the page as a favorite or bookmark. Your class directory will automatically be generated every time you select that bookmark or favorite.

Alumni Basketball

Thanks to Tiffany Marvin Cotsonas for organizing the alumni basketball games last Saturday. There was a good turnout of players and spectators. Bill Lewis, Bill Burnett and Randy Luke from the Class of 1972 played. Here is a list of players: Paul Marvin ’00, Sam Weeche ’96, Shelly Sanchez ’02, Marty Aman ’78, Kyle Marvin, John Cotsonas ’91, Brian Miller ’00, Bill Doyle ’83, Kara Miller ’01, Nikki Sanchez ’00, Bob King ’00, Eric Alvito ’07, Josh Britt ’07, Erika Schnepf ’07, Ryan Aman ’07, Lamar Simpson ’06, Shawn Gillow ’05, Tiffany Cotsonas ’97, Brendan McCallum ’07, Kaitlin Hollenbeck ’07, Kara McCallum ’02, Bryan Tailee ’79, Ryan Gallo ’96, Adam Luke ’00, Tim McBride ’00, Jay Hannon ’03, Matt Luke ’07.

Lee Slocum ’58 was in attendance, but didn’t lace up the sneaks this year.

Sorry, if there were a few I missed. If you didn’t make this one, another event is planned for next year.