28th Year 


Back to Normal?

I think most of the major problems that occurred as a result of a server upgrade are fixed. If you observe any strange errors or problems, let me know.

If you attempted to register here in the last few days, and nothing was happening, please try again. The registration system is now working properly.

96 and 97 Yearbook Covers Added


We finally have 1996 and 1997 Yearbook Covers added to our collection. Now only missing 1998 and 1999 (and possibly 1950?? Is there such a thing, or was 1951 the first. Anybody know?)

1996 Eagle1997 Eagle

Thanks to Tiffany Marvin Cotsonas ’97 for use of the yearbooks.

Alumni Basketball Game / Pancake Breakfast

Save the Date! – Saturday January 5, 2008

There is a all you can eat pancake breakfast to benefit the Basketball Booster Club with an Alumni Basketball game to follow. The breakfast begins at 8AM with the Alumni Basketball going from 11AM – 2PM.

For more information or to sign-up for the Alumni Basketball game, contact TEMJTC@rochester.rr.com.

Wayne Wrestling Alumni Night

The annual Alumni Night for Wayne Wrestling is Thursday December 20th. Wayne is hosting Geneva. JV is at 6PM and Varsity starts at 7PM. Be sure to be there by 7 to take part in the Alumni festivities, including a group photo. I guess it’s not a surprise, since it was published in the WC Mail, but Steve Azzano and Joe Molino will be inducted into the Wayne Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Home Page Update

Been busy the last couple of days making a significant update to our home page. The new Alumni News and Info section is created using the Blog software that is used for the site weblog. Each new posting has a title, date and time submitted, submitters name, and capabilities for comments. The latest listings appear towards the top, and are ordered by dates in descending order. These are separate from the site weblog, the site weblog will continue.

The right sidebar now has a calendar and search form for finding old news items. I’ve only added a few existing news items in the new format, so older news items are gone. But they should be preserved now and into the future (theoretically).

It was quite a drastic change, so there may be some glitches. I will correct them as I find them. Once it is working smoothly, the next task will to try and merge two separate login schemes so that registered users can submit Alumni News and Info items.

New Site Weblog Posting

I have posted something on the site weblog. Bad news is, 2398 words. The topic however may only be interesting to a small percentage of readers. It mostly has to do with some of the trials and tribulations of keeping this website going.

Uploading Images

I have been working on a way for users to upload files. It is intended mostly for pictures, etc, but could be utilized for other things. So I’d like to have some people try it out, with the expectation that all may not go smoothly, because frankly, I’m over my head. But it worked OK for me the last few times, so why not. Click here if you have any pictures for your listing or anything else that could be used here.

Alumni Directory Improvement

You now have the ability to display the directory listings of individual classes (finally). It is available in the navigation area when viewing the Alumni Directory pages. Just select the class you wish to view and click submit.