28th Year
Wayne Middle School

Also known as Thomas C. Armstrong Middle School depending on your era.
It “opened” in September 1967, though construction was incomplete. Initially, it only housed 6th graders, which was the Class of 1974. The 7th and 8th graders stayed in the high school. The cafeteria was not complete, nor the gymnasium, lockers, music rooms, or library. Enough classrooms on the lower floor were usable, missing things like chalkboards, paint, etc, while work continued on the upper floor and other areas. Bringing a lunch was the only option, and you ate at your desks. Gym class was outside if the weather was OK, but no locker rooms or showers. If weather not OK, maybe some calisthenics in the classroom. The music teacher would come to the classrooms.
By the end of Christmas break, in January 1968, it was ready enough for the 7th and 8th grade classes to be moved into the middle school. The 6th grade classrooms were moved upstairs.
In the early years, there were no athletic fields ready behind the middle school. Gym classes and sports teams used the high school fields.
Who Was Thomas C. Armstrong?
from Thomas Armstrong Jr –
Thomas C Armstrong was my father. He was born and raised in the coal mining region of western Pennsylvania. He graduated from Sandy Lake High School in 1928. In 1932, he graduated from Houghton College. His first teaching job was in Silver Springs, NY, where he taught chemistry and mathematics, and coached women’s basketball. In the late 1930s, he and his wife, moved to Pavilion, NY, where he taught science and mathematics, and coached men’s basketball. In 1945, he moved his wife and two sons to Walworth, NY, where he became the high school principal, taught math and science, and coached men’s basketball. When Walworth and Ontario united to become the Wayne Central School District, he became the assistant principal under Lou Markham. When Lou retired, Dad became the principal of the Wayne Central School System. He helped build the system in to what it is today. He knew every person who worked for the district whether they were a custodian, a bus driver, a cafeteria worker, or a teacher. He retired in 1967 the year that the new Junior High School had been named in his honor. Dad passed away in 1979 one day after his 70th birthday.
1952 Eagle Yearbook Dedication Page of Thomas Armstrong.
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