This website was created by Brian Donovan in 2000. It is part of the Wayne Alumni ( website. This site is unofficial, it is not directly affiliated with the Wayne Central School District. It exists only as a service to alumni of Wayne Central.
No guarantees are made to the accuracy of the information. Some teams are missing completely, other have little information. Best I have been able to determine, based on conversations with some former coaches and athletic directors, no one has collected, compiled, or archived records of the complete history, pre-late 90s. Also, what information was archived over the years at the school has been lost/misplaced. Coaches may have records from the years they coached, but finding, contacting, and copying them is not easy.
What information is presented here has been compiled by many hours of reading or scanning scrapbooks, newspapers, yearbooks, documenting games from Bernie Porray’s personal (unofficial) scorebooks, emails, conversations, etc.
Walworth High School – Some might note that there is no information about Walworth High, yet I have Ontario High represented. Pretty much all the info that is here pre-1950 was because I talked with Bernie Porray and Bob Beach. Bernie told me about the 1937 and 1938 teams, and Bob Beach had a set of Ontario High yearbooks. Surprisingly, long before Title 19 in 1972, Ontario High had Girls Basketball teams 1925-1936. So I had to document all of those teams. Time permitting and access to information, I will try to cover Walworth High pre-1950.
Submitting Information
If anyone has information not currently published here, please use the Contact link. This will allow arrangements for the transfer of information.
Website Sponsors
Here are the people who have donated to the website over the years, which directly supports this as well:
Current Website Sponsors
- Greg Kline
- Kathleen Hecht Langdon
- Karen Southworth
- Mark and Caryn Devlin
- Brian Donovan
Previous Website Sponsors
- David Wilson Sr.
- Carla Tarana Boerman
- Gary Foos
- Cheryl Bamford Conte
- Diana Mattuzzi
- Kathy Doyle Hearn
- Gary Matteson
- Cynthia Cooke
- Brian Donovan
Thanks to the following people for supplying information or photos:
- Bernie Porray
- Bob Beach
- Bryan Taillie
- Bill Thomson
- Kiki Karweck
- Tammy Sanchez
- Tim Weller
- Darlene Wiegand Robinson
- Mark Bunce
- Jo Ann Simonse Bailey
- Bill Doyle
- Tracy Bucyk Adams
- Chris Wiedrich
- Edward Joseph